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The FEMP proposes a package of amendments to the GEA to local governments may face 2011 with guarantees

The FEMP has passed with the support of all political groups represented on its Executive Committee, a package of proposals for incorporation in the Draft Law on State Budget 2011. The objective is that local governments can address the current financial crisis and address have secured their economic and social obligations in 2011.

The FEMP rejects and condemns the statements by the Mayor of Valladolid

The Executive Committee of the FEMP has shown the absolute unanimous rejection and condemnation to the statements made by the mayor of Valladolid, Javier Leon de la Riva, on the Minister for Health, Gender and Social Policy, Leire Pajin.

The FEMP Territorial Council discusses the draft 2011 Budget Law

The FEMP Territorial Council has reviewed the content of the General State Budget 2011 and has been informed of the Federation's proposals to the political groups of the Congress of Deputies for taking into account during the parliamentary process of the Bill

Vitoria, 2012 European Green Capital

Vitoria is the European Green Capital in 2012, it decided recently in Stockholm an international jury, which has come to acknowledge the work done in recent years by various local officials in Vitoria Gasteiz. The city, surrounded by a green belt of over 500 acres and 50 miles of trails for walkers and cyclists, forests, rivers, fields of crops and also the Salburúa ...

Final sprint to the municipalities that aim to sign City of Science and Innovation

The October 31 is the deadline for nominations for obtaining the sign "City of Science and Innovation." With this flag, the Ministry of Science and Innovation will recognize and prestige to those municipalities that, regardless of size, are making a significant effort in the field of innovation, helping from the local to the change in the production model.

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