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Pedro Castro receives the President of the Federation of Municipalities Argentina

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has received a delegation of local representatives of Argentina, led by Julio César Pereyra, Mayor of Florencio Varela, President of the Argentina Federation of Municipalities (FAM), on a visit to Spain to learn from the experiences implementation and development of technology parks in the local area.

Brañosera is claimed as the first town in Europe and the world

Brañosera (Palencia) has claimed today as the first town in Europe and therefore the world, during the presentation in Madrid of 'Jurisdiction Cultural Week 2010', held at Casa de Palencia in Madrid, with the presence of a representation of the FEMP.

The PGE confirm the increase of the PIE in 2011

Local Authorities will receive next year 14.443 million euros for its share of the revenues of the State under Bill State Budget, which confirms the increase of 9% on the PIE 2010. The text referred to the House of Representatives includes a special fund for small towns, worth 45 million.

Forces and Security, awarded by the Centre of Domestic Violence and Gender

The Centre of Domestic Violence and Gender General Council of Judicial Power has awarded in its sixth edition, all the Security Forces of Spanish (Guardia Civil National Police, Ertzaintza, Autonomous Police, Provincial Police Navarre and local police) for the work being developed in dealing with gender violence.

Aprovat el Projecte de Llei de pressupostos generals de l'Estat 2011

El Consell de Ministres ha aprovat avui la remissió a les Corts Generals del Projecte de Llei dels pressupostos generals de l'Estat per a 2011, en el qual, entre altres mesures, es confirma l'objectiu de contenció del dèficit públic per als propers tres anys, fins situar-lo en un 3% del PIB el 2013.

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