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A website of the Ministry of Equal contain all the actions against gender violence

The Ministry of Equality has launched the Web Resources to Support and Prevention of gender violence (WRAP), which allows the incorporation and asset location on maps of the various resources that public administrations and social organizations have made available to the public and victims of gender violence.

The FEMP, with the victims of terrorism, on Sunday June 27

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has called on all Spanish Local Governments to join the tribute to the victims of terrorism this Sunday, June 27, with symbolic acts or statements in each of the municipalities, County , Councils and Island Councils.

GOBLOnet revolutionizes the way to work in Spanish Local Government

During the first month since its launch, GOBLOnet, the network of local governments driven by FEMP, has received 20 550 visits, 176 522 pages have been visited and more than 3,000 people have registered a profile on this social network of Governments Local. This is evidenced by the analysis performed by the FEMP, which also draws the attention of visitors come from nearly ...

Ministers of Housing of the EU agree to promote the rehabilitation of housing to create jobs

Housing Ministers of the European Union have agreed to give a political impetus to the renewal and rehabilitation of existing housing stock to achieve economic recovery, employment generation and move towards a new model of growth.

Local governments seek the involvement of the CCAA in the conservation of biodiversity

The regional administrations have to be at the debate on biodiversity and work with local governments in the policies for municipalities to preserve and enhance biodiversity in the various territories. This was stated by the President of the Network of Local & Biodiversity 2010, Maria Antonia Perez, in the closing ceremony of the Conference held at the Real Sitio de San ...

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