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CONAMA Awards for Tineo and Umbria

The municipalities of Umbria (Ávila) and Tineo (Asturias) took the two first prizes awarded to municipalities CONAMA small and medium size that have distinguished themselves by their work towards sustainability. The award ceremony took place in the course of the 4 th Meeting of Local Cities for Sustainability takes place under the National Environmental Congress.

Innovative municipal projects in the conference

The Mayor of Santander, Iñigo de la Serna, and Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, participated in the conference "Looking to the future of cities", organized Telefónica ID, which have been known for innovation projects and development carried out at the municipal level

The FEMP demands zero tolerance to violence against women

The FEMP expresses its abhorrence to violence against women and calls on local governments to step up actions aimed at the eradication of sexist abuse, as well reflected in the statement that the Federation has issued on the occasion of International Day for the Eradication of Gender violence, on 25 November.

Abel Caballero CONAMA10 reaffirms the commitment of the Spanish cities for a sustainable world

The President of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate FEMP, Abel Caballero, has reaffirmed the commitment of municipalities to cooperate with all government, private sector and the wider society, so that the crisis is the breakthrough that will help to bring more liveable cities and a more sustainable world. In this way, the mayor of Vigo has addressed those ...

Green space preservation with sustainability criteria

The conservation of urban gardens with sustainability criteria, and improve the quality of life of citizens, providing opportunities for employment integration of persons with disabilities, resulting in economic benefit and social integration. This form has been expressed by President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, at the opening of a conference held today in Getafe.

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