Consell Federal

Territorial Council

This is the body of maximum authority during the four-year period of time between the Ordinary Plenary Meetings.
It currently consists of: the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Governing Board and 61 members elected by the Plenary Meeting from among the full members, and the Chairman and another representative of the regional federations attached to the FEMP. The Secretary of the Territorial Council is the Secretary General of the FEMP.
It meets in ordinary session at least once every four months and in extraordinary session when it is convened as such by the Chairman on his own initiative, or at the request of the Governing Board, one-third of the members of the Council itself or a number of members representing at least half the votes of the Plenary Meeting.
Some of its responsibilities are to enforce the resolutions of the Plenary Meeting, ensure compliance with statutory objectives, approve the Internal Regulations and those of the Plenary Meeting, articulate the relations of the FEMP with the Territorial Federations and develop proposals for specific actions to be undertaken in conjunction with the latter, in addition coordinating the general lines of action, filling any vacancies arising in the Governing Board and the Territorial Council, and approving the annual quotas of the Federation, the regular budgets and general annual accounts.

It is also responsible for deciding on matters which due to their urgency cannot be presented to the Plenary Meeting, informing the latter when it is held, and any other functions that may be attributed to it expressly by the governing bodies of the FEMP.