Approved the Agreement indefinitely for Employment Training of Public Administrations

he General Trading Bureau of Public Administration confirmed today, 23 March, the agreement for Employment Training of Public Administrations, a text whose contents are to establish a future framework for the training of public employees of the State, regional and local , the Agreement, signed yesterday by members of the General Committee of Continuing Education, is to extend indefinitely the contents of the IV AFCAP.

The contents of the IV Agreement for Continuous Training of Public Administrations (AFCAP), signed initially for the period 2006-2009, will be the governing continuing training throughout this year 2010. From 2011, and thereafter, with the new name "Training Agreement for Employment in the government" will come to articulate future training programs for public employees. The most important thing of this Agreement for Local Administration is its indefinite nature and what it represents as a continuation of the agreement between administrations with the same level of representation and decision.
The text incorporates the efforts and results with previous agreements and added aspects that enrich and give a new approach, for example, assume the important role that inter-administrative plans or the incorporation of important mechanisms for information exchange , coordination and promotion of joint training plans and actions.
The agreement contains 23 articles which are detailed the contents of this new framework, since the concept of Training for Employment to the modalities of training plans, developers, trading or contents, or the organizational structure to govern the framework of the Training