Local policies for positive parenting

The FEMP and the Ministry of Health and Social Councils want to implement policies that support families, based on the principle of positive parenting. To facilitate this task have produced a document which reflects on the parental responsibilities in today's society, characterized the measures they can undertake and provides guidance on services and programs applicable in the local area.

The document is the result of collaboration Framework Convention signed between the Ministry of Health and Social Policy and the FEMP and enrolled in acting to promote local policies to support the family.
In presenting the document were submitted by Director General of Social Policy, Family and Children, Juan Carlos Mato and Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, accompanied by the Vice President of Social Welfare Commission of the Federation, Mayor of Avilés, Pilar Varela.
The paper reviews the educational and socialization role played by the family and puts it in relation to their potential to generate social capital and contribute to social development. It also introduces some results and conclusions of studies on educational counseling needs perceived by the parents themselves for the exercise of their parental role.
Challenges and recommendations
The document states that the family is in good health as a social institution, but also the need to work together so you will have opportunities to develop the work performed. The first challenge would be to develop a proactive approach in working with families, which requires improvements in service networks, programs and resources. Second, ensure the stability of the technicians who attend these services and programs, besides providing good training and encouraging multidisciplinary collaborative work and networking.
Finally, it proposes to enhance the quality systems and best practices in support services to family and planned to do so. Family policies, the authors of work, must be connected with the investigation and with good professional practice, promoting the triple line of research, innovation and development.
Local policies to support positive parenting would, inter alia, the empowerment of family mediation services, meeting points or centers that provide counseling or intervention for women, children and family. Also with services and day centers, entertainment and leisure, games rooms, cyber-classrooms or home help services.
The document also recommends further programs or activities related to shared family leisure, intergenerational relations, including dependent family members, promoting healthy lifestyles for the family and, of course, the reconciliation of family life, work and personal .
A close and comprehensive response
The Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, stressed that the measures taken at the local level are particularly important to provide a "next response, comprehensive and tighter" to the needs and characteristics of families. The representative of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces stated that this area of activity is a "growing interest" for local policy makers and technicians of the municipal services that are addressed to children and family.
Similarly, showed that the wide variety of family forms and living cultural diversity in our society, forced to redefine gender roles within the family to better reconcile family life, work and personal, providing solutions to problems of a very long working hours of parents, the mass media intrusion in the family setting, the situations of vulnerability of children and gender violence, or presence in the family of disabled members or dependents.
The Mayor of Avilés, Pilar Varela, referred to the positive parenting as a new concept that opens a wide field of work within the framework of the social policies of the councils, whose policies emphasized importance to note that "there is no point creating a territory with economic progress if we do not hold the environment or not we can support public policies that ensure social cohesion policies that deal with families and children and youth, are at the center. "
For his part, Juan Carlos Mato said to municipalities as a privileged place for the implementation of social policies, and the paper stressed that "unites practice and theory, and add scientific knowledge" in order to offer a line of work to give greater strength in the near future

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