The FEMP has a manual for municipal representatives on School Councils

The document has been presented in Palencia by the President of the Education Commission of the FEMP, Vicente Order Viganò, and the Mayor of the host, Heliodoro Gallego, in the framework of a conference on "The councils and learning along life "

The FEMP wants to strengthen the figure of municipal representatives on School Councils and that they become a stable reference and near to participate in educational activities of the municipality. It has therefore published a Manual for the performance of the functions and duties assigned to them.

The Manual, published jointly by the FEMP and the Ministry of Education, provided the municipal representatives on School Councils Centre information necessary for them to assume their responsibilities with greater knowledge of the school environment and to facilitate their integration and active participation in network design and programming centers of their most important needs.
Following the preparation of this document lies the interest of Spanish Local Governments on boosting its presence in the design of educational policies that are developed at the municipal level and reclaim their role in assessing the needs of the city in education. "The figure of the Municipal Representative on School Councils is key to raise awareness of local government powers assumed and play in the education field. Such powers and functions go beyond the mere maintenance of infrastructure performance in basic public schools, and that municipalities are also developing additional programs and complementary to start such Municipal School or Training School for Adults, well as extracurricular activities. This guide is therefore an excellent tool for that city authorities can play even better job in school councils, encouraging interaction between city and school, encouraging citizen participation and collaboration synergies that allow us to further improve our system education, "said the Mayor of Palencia during the presentation.
The FEMP considers that the municipalities, in addition to effectively exercise the powers assigned to it, must move in contact with groups of parents, teachers and students, in their involvement in the planning of infrastructure and equipment, in general, and the planning, implementation and management of educational programs are offered in the county, such as nursery schools, children's homes, remedial education, adult education or extracurricular activities, among others. "It is a guide that will be helpful for representatives of municipal issues in schools, to foster greater respect, more participatory and more effective still," stressed the President of the Education Commission of the FEMP, Vicente Order Viganò, who has placed special emphasis on "the need not to bargain and invest in education itself in times of crisis."
What a municipal representative must know
The Handbook provides extensive information broken down into 6 sections and several appendices. The first chapter speaks of the growing local presence in education, the basic educational skills, formal and informal system-and its own municipal powers, all accompanied by the rules of inquiry.
School participation, the Municipal School Board and the figure of municipal representative, are collected in the second chapter of the Handbook then discusses the keys to the designation of such representatives and the various allocation models, as well as basic questions must know to perform their work, for example, legislation and documents of reference or the organization of schools. Then, the guide breaks down the functions and duties of the municipal representative and the requirements necessary to fulfill these functions, to finish exposing the systems and methods of coordination of representatives to the Central School Boards.
The contents of the Manual does not end here. In the annexes provide more information about the Spanish educational system and various models adopted by some municipalities designation. Finally, as a "Quick Guide", sets out 30 questions with their answers, the regional rules on school councils and guidelines for municipalities to provide their representatives and additional data specific to each municipality.
Conference on adult education
The presentation of this Manual FEMP occurs in the context of the conference "The councils and learning throughout life. The training of adults in the XXI century ", organized with the aim of meeting the strategic lines of action that exist, both internationally and state in the proposed regulation of learning and reflect on the reality of training of adults from a territorial view and within a democratic society.
These sessions meet in Palencia policy makers and technicians of the municipal education services, to discuss offer to the adults and the complementarity of systems that apply, analyze operating experience and network and meet existing formats good practice in training.
In the meetings involved representatives from the Ministry of Education, the FEMP, the Junta de Castilla y León, and several municipalities and Spanish universities