Political spokesmen say the representativeness of the FEMP and unity of action to defend the interests of local governments

Spokespersons for the political groups making up the FEMP have agreed to claim the institutional role of the Federation as a partner with the State and the Autonomous Communities, and unity of action have asked for a new Statute for Local Governments and a new system funding. They have also recognized the work carried out in view of its partners and have suggested improvements in performance.

In the discussion participated by the representatives of the PSOE, Ramón Ropero, PP, Luis Partida, UI, Andrés Ocaña, and CiU, Lluis Guin, all members of the Executive Committee of the FEMP.
The articulation of relations with the Autonomous Communities would be deemed by the Mayor of Besalú, Lluis Guin, one of the jobs would have to make the FEMP in the immediate future, and give greater attention to the problems of small municipalities in business and strategic objectives. On the first point, he stressed that the role of FEMP is closely related to representing the municipalities within the State and that the future lies in the networking.
The representative of CiU in his speech made public recognition to the FEMP development work, saying that from his position as a member of a nationalist party "we accept our representation in the Federation."
Guin also referred to the possible implementation of the eco-tax by municipalities, noting that such questions are those that should have a space for study and analysis within the FEMP, so they can be explained to citizens.
The representative of the United Left, the mayor of Córdoba, Andrés Ocaña, defended the thesis that talk about the future of the municipal depends on the success obtained with the new Local Government legislation and funding, "our credibility going to have results in this direction, "he said.
Ocaña continued reflection on the need to consider whether "we are doing well", given the fact that FEMP has historically over-reliance policy, "a debate with no easy solution, but that must be taken into account."
Although the case is the problem with funding for the Mayor of Cordoba, the FEMP should also ensure that local governments are respected by the rest of the state and regional institutions and to achieve greater outreach and public image. "The FEMP has to be the bow of demands of local governments," he said.
The Mayor of Villanueva de la Cañada, Luis Partida, recalled that it was necessary to define once and for all powers of local governments with adequate funding. We are aware of the reality in which we said, "there is funding for the moment, but we have to establish a plan and steps" to achieve it. He also noted the need "to be more sensible about service providers, with the least possible cost."
Regarding the FEMP, said that much remains to be done and that we should "take our word for what we are" and called unity, because the FEMP "makes sense, like other territorial federations of municipalities.
Ramón Ropero, as Mayor of Villafranca de los Barros and spokesman of the PSOE, recalled that FEMP has an obligation to represent and defend all Spanish and local governments to improve certain services to municipalities.
In his speech recalled that one of the missions of the Federation is to promote collaboration and consensus, and stressed that clarity and transparency are some of the main signs of identity, as has been demonstrated in the Local Code of Corporate Governance, which was approved by consensus among its members.
Closet said on another occasion that one of the main shortcomings of the state is not applying the Constitution as regards the participation of local entities in tax revenues of the Autonomous Communities. On this point, what would happen if the PP and PSOE decided to submit a constitutional complaint by this breach. "It is difficult, because they govern in most Autonomous Communities, but what would happen ..."
Similarly, recalled that still remains unresolved one of the most important claims of the FEMP, still in force, the presence of local governments in the Council of Fiscal and Financial Policy.
On local funding, said it would oppose the new law continues to apply a distribution as unfair as the current law of local finances. Also favored the new Local Government Act comes into force at the same time as the new funding system.
On a more domestic, called for improving the functioning of committees and networks that make up the FEMP and requested to undertake an internal reflection on the role and functioning of the Federal Council and the Territorial Council.


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