Convention for improving educational management at the local level

The Ministry of Education and the FEMP have signed a collaboration agreement with aiming to strengthen and improve educational management of local government. At the signing ceremony, the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, the Ministry has proposed to launch pilot projects for technology parks in converting advanced research centers.

The agreement, signed by the Minister of Education, Ángel Gabilondo, and the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, pursues the full integration of educational activities in local life, from the recognition of the task undertaken by councils in this area. At the same time, it affects training and publication of reference manuals and studies aimed at facilitating the work of politicians and municipal technicians.
The FEMP and the Ministry have planned to carry out research and studies on education policy for developing indicators and recommendations to be used by municipal officials in promoting local initiatives in the field. Also encourage the formation and exchange of experiences that contribute to and facilitate decision making by organizing conferences, meetings, seminars or training courses.
Specifically, in regard to the current year, are scheduled for an operation guide Municipal School of Music and the distribution of a handbook of building and equipping of Children Schools and updating of the Guide Councillor for Education, for its reissue in 2011.
Also during 2010 there will be several days, organized either by the FEMP, for the Ministry, Adult Education, Child and City School, School Parent and School Coexistence.
The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has valued the agreement is signed by both their content and what it has recognized the role played by municipalities in education, in many cases even beyond legal requirements.

The President of the FEMP said that in a country like ours education is the best tool out of crisis. Strive for excellence in education is a task that provides long-term benenficios per unavoidable if we are to increase competitiveness in the future.
Pedro Castro stressed that the councils have launched many initiatives are now fully consolidated and have a high regard among the citizens, such as nursery schools, municipal schools of music and dance, libraries, professional qualification programs, education adult, psycho-educational services, extracurricular activities, school sports and others.
Similarly, recalled that the Organic Law of Education recognizes the need for cooperation of all authorities in improving the educational system and, in particular, the educational authorities with local authorities in planning and implementing education policy. "This agreement will help achieve greater efficiency of resources devoted to education," he said.

He also asked the Ministry to launch pilot schemes ahead of the conversion of technology centers that now exist in many cities to research and development activities that bring added value

For its part, the Minister Gabilondo, recognized the important work carried out education and municipalities in 8115 recalled that, in fact, much of the work to be undertaken by local councils under the Plan E have been infrastructure related to education.