The PGE confirm the increase of the PIE in 2011

Local Authorities will receive next year 14.443 million euros for its share of the revenues of the State under Bill State Budget, which confirms the increase of 9% on the PIE 2010. The text referred to the House of Representatives includes a special fund for small towns, worth 45 million.

The Draft Law on State Budget 2011 estimated at 13,235.98 million Euros current transfers to be received by municipalities, provincial councils and island councils in respect of payments on account, a figure that must be added over 1,500 for the transfer of state taxes. The total amount of local funding would come as the 14,760 million euros, which is necessary to discount the 303 million that local entities should return next year as the first payment by the negative assessment of 2008.
According to the text of the 2011 PGE deliveries to account to the municipalities subject to the general amount to 3913.26 million. In the case of the municipalities included in the model of transfer, the budgeted amount is 5015.22 million. Provinces and similar entities will receive 4.293 million account.
Borrowing conditions
The Draft Law on State Budget includes a provision to end the possibility of government which settled the 2010 financial year with positive net savings to go to long-term credit to finance investment "when the total outstanding principal amount not exceeding 75% of current revenues, settled or accrued. "
Fund for small municipalities
The Government maintains in the State Budget for next year's Special Fund for funding for municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, by the Ministry of Land Policy, which will be worth 45 million euros, representing a reduction of 5 million compared with only 50 municipalities have received them this year.
Provincial plans, works and services
It also still has a heading in the Provincial, municipal, island, province autonomous region and municipalities of Ceuta and Melilla, for the financing of Local Authorities under the Local Economic Cooperation Program of the State. The amount of this item for the next year will be 83.642 million euros.
Public transport subsidies
The amount allocated for grants to urban public transport amounted to 70.79 million euros, for municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants not included in the territorial scope of the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority of Barcelona, located in the Canary Islands. They may also benefit those municipalities with over 20,000 inhabitants, with a higher number of urban units to 36,000, in addition to those that are provincial capitals or have an internal public transport system group.
Other grants and compensation
Within this section, the Budgets for 2011 include an allocation of 67.78 million euros to offset the tax benefits granted by the State, local taxes, as well as a set of transfers that add up to 8 million euros to Cities Ceuta and Melilla to offset the operating costs of desalination plants and other actions to improve water management.
On the other hand, is endowed with EUR 99.13 million a game for certain municipalities for fees waived Tax Motor Vehicle as a result of the implementation of tax benefits of the current Agreement on Defense Cooperation with United States, as well as a guarantee of collection of tax on the Production, Import Services and for the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, established by Law 53/2002 of 30 December on Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order.
Property Tax
The Draft Law on State Budget also includes, in a final disposition, the possibility that municipalities can continue to delegate to the General Directorate of Land Registry until December 31, 2012, the determination of taxable income tax Real Estate. This measure was requested recently by the FEMP.

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