Spanish Local Governments create a platform for Haiti's recovery

This morning the FEMP was established in the Platform of Spanish Local Governments for the recovery of Haiti, "an initiative by the Development Cooperation Committee and approved by the Executive Committee in order to facilitate coordination of actions in support the reconstruction of this country and its local institutions.

The Platform is composed of the municipalities of Albuera, Barcelona, Bilbao, Collado Villalba, Cordoba Coslada, Elche, Getafe, Madrid, Puertollano, San Sebastian de los Reyes, Tres Cantos, and Zaragoza, the Provincial de Caceres and Seville, the Federation Municipalities of Castile-La Mancha and the bottom FAMSI the FELCODE Municipalities Program and which also incorporates the presence of the Spanish Cooperation Agency (AECI) and the Secretary of State for Cooperation with Latin America (SECI).
The Platform for Local Government was created to become an instrument of coordination of the activities that the various actors of the local public cooperation have been developing in Haiti, both those already made during the emergency phase as those that can be put in place to during the reconstruction phase.
In general, the actions promoted within the framework of local public cooperation aimed at strengthening local governments Haitians through implementation of governance programs and standards of municipal services.
In the constituent meeting of the Platform were representatives of Local Governments, Municipalities and Regional Federations Solidarity Funds municipal already working in the institutional strengthening of the Local Government of Haiti, and representatives of the SECI and the AECI. During today's meeting, participants worked to identify local governments that could be integrated into the Platform, developed a map with concrete actions in municipal governance and standardization of services and identified needs and areas of action .
The newly formed Platform is governed by the same principles as expressed by the Donors Conference held in New York in March, among others, stresses the importance of being the Haitians themselves and their local governments who take ownership of any proposed reconstruction of their cities.