Interim Local Government, guaranteeing equal access to basic services

The Provincial Councils, the Councils and Island Councils are the guarantee of permanence of the population in many small towns and an essential tool for the modernization of these local governments with few resources.

This has expressed the Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, in his speech during the presentation of the Green Paper on Local Government Intermediate, organized by the Foundation for Democracy and Local Government.

The Green Paper, presented this morning at a public ceremony at the Casa de America in Madrid, contains an analysis, reflections and recommendations on the functions, powers and Local Government services Intermediate (Provincial Councils, Town Councils and Island Councils mainly) in the Spanish institutional system. The document has been prepared by the Foundation for Democracy and Local Government and experts have worked in several Spanish universities and provincial and Island Corporation.

As noted by the President of the Foundation, the President of the Diputación de Barcelona, Antoni Fogué, it is a serene self-criticism on the work being undertaken by the Interim Local Government in Spain, without losing the reference of other countries EU and, above all, the work can and should exercise in the future in an institutional framework within which local government powers are adequate to reality, clearly defined and adequate funding system.

Antonio Fogué, as well as the President of the Diputación de Valladolid, Ramiro Ruiz Medrano, defended the autonomy of the councils, known in 137 of the constitution, the efficient use of public resources and their ability to provide technical assistance and advice small municipalities in improving the services they provide to citizens.

Fogué concluded by assuring that it would not hurt to consider a multi-institutional settlement leg mechanisms to improve and increase cooperation among all levels of government (not just among local governments).

Guaranteeing the principle of subsidiarity

The Secretary General said that FEMP Middle ensure that local governments apply the principle of subsidiarity in each territory and the principle of equality in access to essential services, provide material resources and personnel, help generate and maintain employment and prevent rural depopulation. In short, he added, make it possible to improve the living conditions of people, regardless of their place of residence, through support to small municipalities and networking.

Isaura Leal recalled in his speech that the Provincial Councils, Town Councils and Island Councils have played an important role in ensuring the proper exercise of municipal powers in each province, through cooperation, coordination and technical support, and taking into account also, the necessary transversality, transparency and participation.

Because it has helped maintain basic services, he noted, it has been the continued presence of older people in their country of origin, while they have done intensive work on creating new job opportunities and housing for more young, thus counteracting the progressive aging of the people.

The Secretary General of the FEMP put some examples of the work carried out, as the maintenance of provincial roads, services, firefighting and rescue, the extension of new technologies, the boosting tourism in the provinces, the collection urban waste equality policies, the provincial drug dependency services, care for the elderly, mentally ill, or drive in rural areas of Law Unit.

All these benefits and many more, are made by the County and Town Councils and Island Councils, with the prospect of job creation and efficient use of available resources, using economies of scale, he said.

As unique examples of the work performed, Isaura Leal, also said the extension of network alarms, in collaboration with FEMP and IMSERSO, and above all, the "invaluable assistance" in the historical challenge that led to the implementation of Plan E FEESL and thereafter. "No doubt it would have been physically impossible for the success of these plans, in record time, without the assistance and legal and technical cooperation, including economic, of the County for the preparation and management of applications and in many cases the projects."

Finally, the Director General Municipal Cooperation, Castellanos Llanos, announced that the draft Local Government Act will establish a greater level of power to the Interim Government, guarantees for the provision of public services to all citizens in equal conditions access mechanisms to give greater public presence and greater political control by the opposition to the provincial governments.