Vigo will host the Sixth Assembly of the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate

Spanish Network of Cities for Climate FEMP Vigo celebrated this coming Monday, November 15, the Sixth Assembly. The City Mayor and Chairman of the Network, Abel Caballero, and Secretary of State for Climate Change, Teresa Ribera, opened the meeting with the President of the Galician Federation of Municipalities and Provinces, Carlos Antonio Fernandez.

Coinciding with the Assembly, is hosting the conference "The Electric Vehicle in Spanish municipalities", which will analyze the existing national framework for the implementation of electric vehicles and presented some of the experiences being developed by municipalities, such as Project Movele or SmartCity.
The conference will bring together representatives and experts from the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, and Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, manufacturers of electric vehicles, power system operators and politicians and technicians from different Spanish city to analyze and evaluate the policies implemented in the Spanish municipalities in this area.
The meeting in Vigo, where he is mayor the current President of the Network, Abel Caballero, is the sixth in the Assembly, following those held in Santander, last June this year, Rivas Vaciamadrid (2009) Donostia - San Sebastián (2008) and Gijón (2006).

During the Assembly shall proceed to surrender the III Award for Good Practice for Local Climate, created to collect and recognize performance improvements made in recent years by the Spanish Local Governments in the field of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.