A Continuing Education, also from GOBLOnet

Access to the management of entries in the training of FEMP Continuing Education Plan, it is possible through GOBLOnet, Local Government Network, enabled by the FEMP tool that already has more than 6,000 users and multiply the benefits of a conventional network. The new utility for Continuing Education, Training GOBLOnet comes to opening new possibilities for this area of work of the FEMP.

Specifically, the new application, accessible from the link http://www.goblonet.es/formacion, plus make it easier for those interested the registration process and one or more training activities, courses, seminars, conferences, promoted FEMP Plan Continuing Education, will enable them to have new features and tools to support the pupil / coach and share knowledge among users of the system.
To access full training is necessary to have a profile and fill in various data GOBLOnet. Working with this new tool is simple and fast. Since its cover, interested parties can choose between the training offered to technicians, directors or top officials, or search through all available courses. It also offers the ability to access a history of courses already made under the Plan.
The implementation of GOBLOnet Training is part of the improvement and modernization process started from the FEMP.