The call for ESF funding for 2011

The BOE of February 23 published the call for aid from the European Social Fund this year, a total of 81.58 million euros to be spent to promote our country "covenants, networks, partnerships and support to local initiatives employment and social inclusion, taking into account the gender perspective. "

The assistance will strengthen the economic cooperation between the State and local entities in order to promote initiatives and activities that respond to local needs, generate employment particularly in the services sector of care for the disabled or people at risk of social exclusion to promote integration and discrimination, "also reinforces the State-Local Government cooperation with regard to the further development of consultation and consensus process to develop local employment pacts, and with regard to promoting the development of prospective studies potential needs for training for employment to promote the adoption of "integration strategies within the local area under consideration."

Financed actions contemplated in the call are integrated labor insertion itineraries aimed, firstly, to offer job seekers a chance to practice with adequate specific training in the delivery of care services mentioned, and other, offer similar opportunities to job seekers with special difficulties for insertion into the labor market-under 30 over 45, long-term unemployed.
Other actions financed under this Fund are supporting the establishment of local employment pacts, covenants that must necessarily include one or more local authorities, and economic and social representative of the area, coordinated by a local entity.

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