Brañosera is claimed as the first town in Europe and the world

Brañosera (Palencia) has claimed today as the first town in Europe and therefore the world, during the presentation in Madrid of 'Jurisdiction Cultural Week 2010', held at Casa de Palencia in Madrid, with the presence of a representation of the FEMP.

This condition has been a pioneer town defended by Professor Luis Manuel Ruiz, founder of the Friends of the Romanesque and history expert, who has stated that the Town Charter in the year 824 granted to the people of the freedom given Brañosera constitutes the beginning of what is now the administrative structure in the old continent and the rest of the planet.
Speaking at the ceremony, Ruiz has stated that the Town Charter of Brañosera "not only gave freedom and democracy to the people, but urged them to create an organization" known as the Charter, which "closely resembles what is now a municipality. " The Mayor of the town of Palencia, Jesus Mediavilla, has pledged to investigate the possibility to try to recognize the municipality in the European and world history.
In the presentation of the Cultural Week Charter 2010 involving the Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, and District Chairman of America in Madrid, Begoña Larraínzar, who acted as hostess.
The 'Cultural Week Charter 2010 "will continue next Friday, October 8, with a day of history on" The Privilege of Brañosera of 824 and his time', which aims to deepen the historical context of the Town Charter and its coincidence with the origin of the Camino de Santiago. Indeed, the pilgrimage route will be the star of this edition of the Exaltation Ceremony to be held on Saturday October 9 and that the municipalities invited to participate this year are on the Camino de Santiago.