Conference on Local Government and Biodiversity Strategy for 2020

The President of the Local Governments Network of Biodiversity, Maria Antonia Perez, opened today at the headquarters of the FEMP a conference on Local Government and Biodiversity Strategy for 2020, aimed at political and technical representatives of environmental municipal

The Conference will, inter alia, for the submission of new commitments in the fight against the loss of biodiversity and the protection and conservation of natural resources face the year 2020 and the international agreements reached at the Conference of Parties of United Nations held in Nagoya (Japan) in 2010.
During his speech, the President of the Network of FEMP and the Diputación de Guadalajara encouraged local officials to set new challenges and clear lines of action following the objectives set out in Nagoya and "walk together from the nearest corner and efficient" representing local governments.
Maria Antonia Perez finalized some of the preferred actions of the municipalities, taking as its starting point some data presented in a report by the Ministry of Environment, which is reflected, among other things, that nearly half of the threatened flora species in our country are reduced favorable territory for survival, or that same reduction also affects 20% of the most common tree species like oak and silver fir. Locally, he said, is best suited to act on these scenarios.
The President of Diputación de Guadalajara said that once defined the international scene, referring to Nagoya, now "we have to act on us," using sustainability criteria in all municipal policies, in particular, in planning and urban development . To do this, pointed to the Red headed, "a solid model" from which instills respect for biodiversity, through the exchange of experiences and good practices.
In the opening ceremony also involved the Director General of the Environment and Forest Policy, Jose Jimenez, and Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal.
On Wednesday, the culmination of this conference, is hosting the awards ceremony of the Third Competition Project for Increasing Biodiversity, which is chaired by the, Minister of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Aguilar, the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, and Maria Antonia Perez itself, acting as President of the Local Governments Network of Biodiversity.