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Cities in the Third World Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations

"Emphasizing the importance of implementing the objectives of the Alliance at national and local, in collaboration with all levels of government and civil society through the implementation of national plans for intercultural dialogue" was one of the conclusions reached by representatives from around the world in the Third World Forum of the Alliance of ...

The Government presents the objectives of budget stability for the next three years

The Council of Ministers has received from the Second Vice-President and Minister of Economics and Finance "Report on the cyclical position of the Spanish economy, which has been referred to the Autonomous Communities. The outlook for local entities are in a deficit of 0.6 per 100 in 2010, 0.8 per 100 in 2011, 0.3 per 100 in 2012 and 0.2 per 100 in 2013.

The FEMP declares its support for a ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces

The Spanish Network of Healthy Cities FEMP (RECS) has expressed its support to all measures taken in order to prohibit the consumption of snuff in confined spaces for public use and, in particular the amendment of the Law that the Government intends to undertake for this purpose.

Congress endorses the decree on deficit reductio

The Plenary of the Congress of Deputies ratified the Royal Decree on urgent action for reducing the deficit, by 169 votes to 168 against and 13 abstentions.

Debate in Barcelona on social determinants of health

The President of the Network of Healthy Cities FEMP, Enric Llorca, highlighted the importance of social determinants of health and has claimed the role of local administrations to detect when these constraints and integrate them into the strategies that have as target a healthy and inclusive cities.

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