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The Network for Biodiversity FEMP commitment to

The President of the Local Government Network + Biodiversity 2010 and the Provincial de Guadalajara, María Antonia Pérez, has asked municipal officials to integrate biodiversity into policies they develop in their territories and to pay particular attention to those actions capable of creating jobs, through the so-called "green jobs."

Convention for improving educational management at the local level

The Ministry of Education and the FEMP have signed a collaboration agreement with aiming to strengthen and improve educational management of local government. At the signing ceremony, the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, the Ministry has proposed to launch pilot projects for technology parks in converting advanced research centers.

The cities do not give up the objective of reducing emissions, despite crisis

The Spanish Network of Cities for Climate of the FEMP commitment to take the current economic situation to change policies, production systems and habits citizens and thus help create a more sustainable and less dependent on limited resources and contaminants. With that in mind have begun Conference on "Climate change and health from the local perspective" held in ...

Unanimous support to Local Government Agreement on Sustainability of Public Finances

Local governments have given their support, unanimously, the agreement for the sustainability of public finances for the period 2010-2013, and the path of deficit for those years, during today's meeting of the Subcommittee on Economic Conditions, Financial Tax and National Commission of Local Administration (CNAL).

Adopted the objective of budgetary stability for the period 2011 - 2013

The Council of Ministers has adopted the objective of budgetary stability for the period 2011-2013 and the limit of non-financial expenditure of the State Budget for 2011. These objectives and the Government's commitment of all the government in 2013 to meet the objectives set by the European Commission in order to present a public deficit not exceeding 3 per 100.

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