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Small municipalities ask the Autonomous Communities budget for sustainable rural development

Small municipalities require Spanish Autonomous Communities that collect in their budgets for 2011 budget allocated equivalent to investment by the State in their territories for the implementation of Sustainable Rural Development Programme. This is one of the main conclusions with which I closed the Small Towns Conference, held this weekend in Toledo.

Toledo Declaration of territorial cohesion and sustainable development

The small Spanish municipalities want the enjoyment rural development differential treatment with regard to the urban environment and that all administrations do make an effort to address these territories from a regional and comprehensive approach. This request is contained in the Declaration of Toledo, which ended the First Congress of Small Towns, organized by the FEMP, ...

The GEA keep the amounts of funds to the provincial plans and small municipalities

The 2011 State Budget will maintain the level, in terms similar to the 2010 budget of provincial plans of works and services and special fund for municipalities with fewer than 20,000 inhabitants, as announced by the Secretary of State for Territorial Cooperation , Gaspar Zarrías in the opening ceremony of the First Congress of Small Towns to be held in Toledo, organized ...

Elena Espinosa explains the objectives of rural policy at the Congress of Small Muncipios

The Minister for Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Elena Espinosa, highlighted in the First Congress of Small Towns, organized by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), held to-morrow, that the MARM is among its rural policy objectives of improving the socioeconomic status of the population and access to adequate public services and quality. ...

Three municipalities rewarded for their efforts for sustainable rural development

La Aldea de San Nicolás (Gran Canaria), Coca (Segovia) and Somiedo (Asturias) I have received the Award of Best Practice for Sustainable Rural Development. The awards have been handed over by the Minister for Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Elena Espinosa, during the first day of the Congress of Small Towns, held in Toledo, organized by the FEMP.

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