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The call for ESF funding for 2011

The BOE of February 23 published the call for aid from the European Social Fund this year, a total of 81.58 million euros to be spent to promote our country "covenants, networks, partnerships and support to local initiatives employment and social inclusion, taking into account the gender perspective. "

The FEMP recommends flexibility in the requirements for the installation of terraces in the street

The FEMP recommend to local councils to review their ordinances to allow for further development of the activity of terraces of bars and restaurants on the street. In particular, he advises that relaxed the requirements for its establishment in regard to the periods of time, space, patterns of occupation and standards on furniture and other items. The FEMP Executive ...

Interior proposes the limit of 30 miles per hour on urban roads

The speed limit on urban roads in the inner city may not exceed 30 miles per hour, as announced by the Director General de Tráfico, Pere Navarro, on the first day of the meeting of Cities for Traffic Safety that takes place in Córdoba organized by the DGT and FEMP.

The Government implements the National Air Quality with the CCAA and FEMP

The Government, together with the FEMP and the Autonomous Communities will begin work immediately on developing a National Plan for Air Quality may be approved by next July. This has been agreed at the extraordinary meeting of the Environment Sector Conference held today, chaired by the Minister Rosa Aguilar, which also involved the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro.

The FEMP and AEVAL promote the quality and evaluation in local public services

The FEMP and the Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services (AEVAL) have signed a collaboration agreement to disseminate and promote the quality and evaluation processes in local government. The agreement includes the exchange of information, training and outreach activities and technical transfers between the two entities.

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