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The Senate approved a motion on the 1% Cultural

The Senate has passed a motion urging the Government to facilitate communication between the Commission Interministerial 1 percent Cultural and FEMP. The text, approved by the Culture Committee of the House, calls for coordination to seek new ways to complement existing ones in order to facilitate the information between the interministerial committee and the Federation.

The integration of social diversity and cultural foundation for the development of cities in the periphery

From the conviction that another world is possible and that should start to be built from the cities, the mayors in the peripheries of large cities, meeting for three days in Getafe, have outlined the main lines of the policies that apply in their municipalities and which would be based on the integration of social and cultural diversity, a more sustainable urban planning ...

Municipalities in the periphery claim their status as living spaces and sustainable economic development agents

The peripheral municipalities believe they have overcome their status as "dormitory towns" dependent on large cities and towns claim their status as consolidated, with levels of infrastructure and services capable of ensuring a better quality of life for its inhabitants. So they are willing to reinforce its policies in the field of sustainability, mobility, equality, the ...

Approved the first sustainable rural development program, worth 1810 million

The Government approved at the last Council of Ministers the first Sustainable Rural Development Programme for the period 2010 - 2014, aiming to stop the depopulation of rural areas, boost the economy in these areas and increase the quality of life of people living in these municipalities. The investment will be 1810 million, 50% financed by the State and the Autonomous ...

Housing submitted to the FEMP the first barometer of urban sustainability

The Minister of Housing, Beatriz Corredor, has submitted to the President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, the White Paper on Sustainability Spanish Urban Planning, a document "unprecedented" which represents the first barometer of urban sustainability in our country.

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