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The President of the FEMP requires effective cooperation of all European governments to revive the economy and create jobs

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has called for effective cooperation of all European governments to achieve economic recovery and create jobs. First of Regional Policy Ministers meeting in the city of Malaga, has advocated the strategic role of local governments to achieve greater resource efficiency and achieve better results and asked them not to miss the ...

The FEMP Senate calls the urgency of a new model of local financing

The Mayor of Villafranca de los Barros, Ramón Ropero, has called on the Commission on Institutions of the Senate, where he appeared as a representative of the FEMP, to address urgently the reform of local financing model and the new Act Local Government, so that both laws can take effect in January 2011.

FEMP and Industry sign an agreement to promote quality tourism destinations

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, and Secretary of State for Tourism, Joan Mesquida, have signed a collaboration agreement to promote quality tourism destination.

The President of the FEMP assist in Malaga at the European Meeting of Ministers of Regional Policy

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro will attend the 16th and 17th of this month at the informal meeting of Ministers of Regional Policy, to be held in the city of Malaga, coinciding with the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, which monographic be addressed in the territorial debate in Europe.

The Councils are good payers and comply with their obligations

The vast majority of councils are good payers and comply with their obligations, therefore, the image of delinquency does not correspond with reality. This has been secured Gijón City Councilman, Santiago Martínez Argüelles, who has appeared today representing the FEMP, the Congress of Deputies.

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