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Josep Roig, the new Secretary General of UCLG

The Spanish Josep Roig has been appointed new Secretary General of the World Cities Municipal Organization and Local Governments (UCLG), after an international selection process in which they competed with more than 40 candidates. The election took place in Rabat, on 23 June, during the celebration of the 12th Executive Bureau of the organization

El Govern preveu que les entitats locals arribin l'equilibri pressupostari el 2014

El Consell de Ministres va aprovar l'objectiu d'estabilitat pressupostària per al trienni 2012-2014 i el límit de despesa no financer l'Estat per al'exercici de 2012. En els pròxims tres anys el dèficit públic es reduirà en 3,9 punts del PIB per situar-se en el 2,1 per 100 el 2014. Aquest any, les entitats locals aconseguiran l'equilibri pressupostari, segons estima l' ...

The debt of local authorities, 3.5% of GDP in first quarter

The Local Authorities debt stood at 3.5% of GDP at the end of the first quarter of 2011, one tenth more than in the same time last year and two more on 31 December. This represents an increase of 3.2% over the same period last year.

Approved the Draft Law on Energy Conservation

The Cabinet has approved at its last meeting, the bill comes to the funeral industry to transpose the requirements of the Services Directive and the result is a text that seeks to update the relevant legislation, removing administrative burdens and promote effective competition market. The adopted text includes recommendations and comments from municipalities, regional ...

The ninth started with the local office of the Councils constitution

The vast majority of Spanish municipalities have from today, June 11, with the new councils that emerged from the elections held on 22 May. The constitution of the Authority and the inauguration of the new Mayors have gone smoothly throughout the country.

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