The Government and the FEMP funding boost tourism projects in Spanish municipalities

The Government and the FEMP funding boost tourism projects in Spanish municipalities, under the Spanish Tourism Plan Horizon 2020. This was announced by the Secretary of State for Tourism, Joan Mesquida, after a meeting with members of the Tourism Commission of the FEMP, in Madrid.

The meeting was intended to encourage tourism investments are prioritized within financed with the State Fund for Employment and Local Sustainability. It is that tourism is one of the priority areas for municipalities, so it has been issued to local councils for projects in tourism that can be funded from the 5,000 million of the State Fund.
The Ministry of Tourism will work with the FEMP in an information campaign for municipalities tour through a digital booklet that will help municipalities provide performances of interest to tourists.
The State Fund for Employment and Local Sustainability, adopted at the Cabinet meeting on 23 October, is intended to finance projects related to the new production model and sustainable economy.
Tourism is a priority for the Government and from the Ministry of Tourism is to extend this commitment to the provinces and municipalities. Tourism is a sector that undoubtedly will play a productive model for change in sustainable economic development and employment creation.
Examples of fundable activities in tourism from the Sustainability Fund:
A. Actions to promote the economic sustainability
 Infrastructure innovation and technology development for Innovative Business Partnerships tourist.
 Reform and modernization led to the introduction of new technologies.
 Development of wireless networks Wireless tourist attractions.
B. Proceedings of tourism administration modernization
 Development of projects to the computerization of administrative procedures to facilitate tourist-tourist-citizen relationship Local Government.
C. Proceedings of environmental sustainability in areas of interest: saving measures and energy efficiency / accessibility and use of renewable energy
 Renewal of generating heat and cold in public buildings and monuments, installation of control systems and thermal regulation and cooling pools with biomass, solar thermal facilities in municipal swimming areas, etc..
D. Proceedings of mobility sustainable tourism with the promotion of public transport, cycling or walking routes.
 bicycle lanes in tourist areas and development of cycling routes
 Construction of infrastructure for cyclists (enclosed or underground parking, locker rooms, etc..) Tourist attractions.
 Building the necessary infrastructure (collection and delivery points) for the launch of a public system of bicycle hire for use by tourists.
 pedestrianization of urban hiking paths and removing architectural barriers.
 Creation of tourist routes and pedestrian areas (or extend existing ones) in the ways of the municipality with a higher density and pedestrian tourists in the vicinity of tourist attractions.
 Increase in land allocated to tourist areas.
E. Proceedings of the complete water cycle in the tourism sector
• Projects to improve the efficiency of networks of water supply in tourist areas, installation of water saving taps, showers, toilets, etc..
F. Waste management and urban sustainability criteria
 Installation of underground containers in tourist areas especially sensitive to visual impact.
G. Proceedings of sustainable recovery of the Spanish coast, beaches and natural areas.
 improvement projects and conservation of protected areas, coastal and inland, in areas of special interest tourism, development of green spaces structures, beach nourishment ... and so on.
Moreover, the Tourism Commission of the FEMP has considered positively the signing of an agreement on quality tourism, with which Turespaña and the Federation are committed to promoting the municipalities in the Spanish Tourism Quality System.