Debate on the network municipalism Summer Courses in El Escorial

The municipal networks are essential tools necessary work and provide forums for exchange of experience and innovation, but they must also be effective in meeting its objectives, which requires an exercise monitoring and control of results . These are some of the key messages drawn from the debate on network municipalism held in the Summer Course of El Escorial.

In the panel discussion, moderated by journalist Manuel Campo Vidal, participated the President of the Local Government Network + Biodiversity, Maria Antonia Perez, Vice President of the Network and the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate, the Inigo Serna, and the Chairman of the Committee on International Relations of the FEMP, Francisco Javier León de la Riva.
The President of the Local Government Network + 2010 Biodiversity and the Provincial de Guadalajara, described as positive the Strategic Plan being developed by FEMP and in this context, the value placed on networking and promotes applied from the Federation . "Right now we have to work in Red", he said, and cited as an example his experience in presiding, created just over three years and already includes 216 municipalities representing more than 20 million people.
Networks represent, explained the President of the Diputación de Guadalajara, a unique forum of best practices and innovation and generate a dynamic of "normalization" in the initiatives taken and to act as an oil slick and " become standardized criteria that end up working alone. "
Maria Antonia Perez stressed the voluntary nature of the networks, "which means encouragement and willingness to work and enthusiasm, but also a commitment to meet the targets."
Precisely to ensure greater compliance and efficiency objectives in the actions, the President put on the table the idea of networks tailored to specific objectives and temporary.
The Mayor of Santander, Iñigo de la Serna, added to the network characteristics of the coordination of government action, flexibility and operability. Also, to facilitate practical working instruments such as ordinances, and generate resources, which encourages the membership of other municipalities.
La Serna said that the networks create a good image and encourage personal contact and coordination other Administrations.
However, as explained below, we must monitor the excessive proliferation of networks, "tend to generate more than necessary, with the risk of losing operation and agility." The fact that for all networks generated some confusion in deciding which of them should belong, he said. Similarly, the Mayor of Santander, also warned that the nets can undermine the work of the Commissions of the FEMP and empty of content.
To function well, "he concluded," have to meet targets and be more rigorous in assessing the results of their actions. "
For its part, the mayor of Valladolid, Francisco Javier León de la Riva, opted to strengthen the institutional role of the FEMP, noting that we must try to avoid the ownership and political partisanship, "if we want to be effective and act as a group pressure to the appropriate Government, whether Central or State Government.


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