The FEMP rejects and condemns the statements by the Mayor of Valladolid

The Executive Committee of the FEMP has shown the absolute unanimous rejection and condemnation to the statements made by the mayor of Valladolid, Javier Leon de la Riva, on the Minister for Health, Gender and Social Policy, Leire Pajin.

Members of the Executive Committee of the FEMP have discussed a text submitted by the socialist group, which shows the rejection and condemnation of his remarks and expressed the wish that the FEMP and Local Government of Spain will continue working effective equality between men and women to build a more just and humane society.
Previously, the mayor of Valladolid has said that his statements were unacceptable and inappropriate.
The text, which reflects the feelings of the members of the Executive Committee, said that equality between men and women is an objective of all government and serve to create a more just and humane society. So far it has come a long way, having made progress in recognizing the role of women in all spheres of our society.
A work that is absolutely reprehensible tarnished by statements such as those made by the mayor of Valladolid, Francisco Javier León de la Riva.
These statements have no place in a democratic society in which people should be valued for their ability rather than their physical appearance, gender or social status, because it responds to a right inherent to being human.
The FEMP recalls that when he signed the European Charter for Equality, agreed, among other things, "to ensure that the communication efforts made by local councils, provincial councils and Island Councils, as representative of the public institutions, whether public or internal, oral or written, must be completely removed from expressions based on the idea of superiority or inferiority of one or other of the two genders. "