Approved the distribution of fund to support the reception and integration of immigrants

The Council of Ministers approved the objectives and the distribution of the budget appropriation of 66.6 billion Support Fund to the reception and integration of immigrants. The Government emphasizes that the educational effort and the role of municipalities in the implementation of this fund continue to be priorities.

The Council of Ministers approved the objectives and the distribution of the budget appropriation of 66.6 billion Support Fund to the reception and integration of immigrants. The Government emphasizes that the educational effort and the role of municipalities in the implementation of this fund continue to be priorities.
With this budget is to fund measures to make the regional governments to promote the development of integration policies for immigrants in the areas of reception, integration on shafts of employment, housing, social services, health, children and youth, equal treatment, women, participation, awareness and development, and educational support.
Apart from the State, the Autonomous Communities and local entities have competencies in key areas for integration, such as employment, education, health, social services or civic participation. Thus, 40% of this fund must be allocated in each Autonomous Region, on integration policies at the local level.
Distribution criteria
Regarding allocation criteria, the total amount is distributed between regions is done in three headings:
· 39,637,824 euros for Reception and Integration.
· 26,425,216 euros for educational support.
· Care EUR 536,960 unaccompanied children displaced from the Canaries.
Reception and integration in establishing a basic allowance for each range (10 to 100) in application of a territorial solidarity and in order that communities with lower presence of immigrants have a stable contribution.
It also establishes a 25 100 to a heading of "special situations" that responds to the increased migratory pressure input to support some of their geographical situation Communities: Andalusia, Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Comunidad Valenciana, Comunidad de Madrid Murcia and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla. The remaining amount is allocated based on the immigrant population enumerated, the number of immigrant workers affiliated to the Social Security and the number of immigrant workers in the Special Agricultural Scheme.
As for the departure of Strengthening Education is allocated based on the following criteria: the total number of immigrant students enrolled in non-university education by region and the number of immigrant students enrolled in non-university education from non-Spanish speakers by Autonomous Community

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