The FEMP criteria agreed to reduce salaries of elected officials and local officials

The Executive Committee of the FEMP has agreed, with the support of all political groups, to recommend to all the municipalities, County Councils, Councils and Island Councils implementing the measure reducing the salaries of local elected officials and senior members Local Government, applying the same criteria and scales established by the Government of Spain to the General State Administration. Also, as announced by its President, Pedro Castro, FEMP will continue its dialogue with the Government to reduce the effects of limited access to credit by local entities in the financial year 2011.

The FEMP Executive, headed by Pedro Castro, has addressed in its meeting today the contents of the Royal Decree-Law adopted by the Council of Ministers last Friday, by adopting urgent measures to reduce the public deficit and the rest of financial economic measures contained in Royal Decree, which affect local entities.
FEMP The agreement provides that the pay cuts are imposed on an individual basis and with criteria of progression, and for their calculation shall be based on the amount of remuneration actually received under the following percentages:
§ Reduced by 15 100 for wage salaries to correspond with the salaries of Ministers or the Prime Minister.
§ Reduction of 10 by 100 to pay wages that correspond to the salaries of the Secretaries of State.
§ Reduction of 9 100 for the wages that match the salaries of Assistant Secretaries of the AGE.
§ Reduction of 8 per 100 for the wages that match the salaries of the CEOs of the AGE.
§ 0.56 Reduction between 100 and 7 100 to pay those wages to match the salaries of public employees of the AGE to be established in Royal Decree-Law.
These reductions will be effective on the payroll of June, and wages will be frozen for 2011. Shall be exempt from salaries reduced to correspond with the exemptions provided in the same for staff.
Congress of Small Towns
The Executive Committee adopted the agenda of the Congress of Small Towns to be held on 10 and 11 September in Toledo, organized by the FEMP, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, the Provincial Council of Toledo and the Federation Municipality of Castilla - La Mancha.
This meeting is expected to involve some 500 representatives of
Local Authorities with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, in what will be the first forum held at this scale in Spain to discuss the current situation and future of these municipalities.

Alcohol consumption in public places
The FEMP asked the government to adopt a standard state character prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages in public, except terraces, candles, or on market days or celebrations, regulated by the relevant ordinance. Along with this measure, the FEMP ask the Senate to create a Joint Commission to study and propose solutions on street alcohol consumption in public places for large groups of people.
The initiative has been approved by the Executive of the FEMP, at the request of the Commission of Citizen Security. Local representatives consider that the so-called "bottle" creates a problem of living for local communities, in addition to harmful health effects of alcohol abuse, especially among the young. At the same time, suggest that this is a complex problem that requires a multidimensional analysis of alternatives and interdisciplinary, because it touches the cultural, entertainment and conviviality "that should be considered as a whole."
FEMP The proposal expresses the need for educational policy, social and institutional intransigence toward bottle and some are against "permissiveness formulas" as the statutory or factual "botellódromos" or deficiencies in the management of cases sanction. In particular, advocates "a single public policy on drinking alcohol street", as there is with other legal drugs, such as snuff. Likewise, it considers necessary to implement a consistent policy of shared responsibility of all government.
The FEMP and the Ministry of Education will work on the development and implementation of Campus International Excellence in Spanish universities, a project aimed at achieving a greater connection between the university, the city and territory. This is one of the agreements that already has the approval of the Executive Committee for his signature in the near future.
Along with this agreement, the FEMP subscribe other with the Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Chair of the AECI and the Municipality of Getafe for the conduct of this county of the Second Global Forum of Local Peripheral, on 10, 11 and 12 June.
Moreover, it was also agreed to continue the partnership with the Local Consortium (LOCALRET) in matters relating to telecommunications and information technologies relevant to the Local Administration.

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