The FEMP highlights the commitment of local governments with development cooperation

Spanish Local Governments are committed to solidarity and continue to contribute to eradicating poverty, promoting equal opportunities and promoting the development of towns and cities of the South, despite the economic crisis. This has been evident in the presentation of Cooperation Week, held today, who spoke on the Secretary of State for International Cooperation, Soraya Rodriguez, and representatives of the FEMP and the NGO's coordinator.

The Cooperation Week, from 2 to September 8, contains a series of awareness campaigns under the slogan "The value of giving future", which aims to inform about the work of Spanish cooperation for development.
This time, the planned events emphasize the political and social movements that have occurred in the southern Mediterranean have been called Arab spring. The priorities of Spanish Cooperation in these countries, as highlighted in the interventions, focusing on democratic governance, gender policies, the strengthening of economic and networking with local civil societies.
In the presentation of the week, held at the Palacio de Viana, Director of International Cooperation of the FEMP, Joan Smith, has revealed that, according to data compiled by FEMP, the Official Development Assistance to Local Governments Spanish in 2010 reached a total of 121 million euros, compared to 2009 undescenso caused by the crisis and the austerity first implemented by local bodies. There are more than a thousand local entities that make contributions to cooperative activities and a good number of them for this type of action of 0.7% of its own budget.