The FEMP and AEVAL promote the quality and evaluation in local public services

The FEMP and the Agency for the Evaluation of Public Policies and Quality of Services (AEVAL) have signed a collaboration agreement to disseminate and promote the quality and evaluation processes in local government. The agreement includes the exchange of information, training and outreach activities and technical transfers between the two entities.

The agreement was signed at the headquarters of the FEMP, the Chair of AEVAL, Maria Luisa Carcedo, and Secretary General of the Federation, Isaura Leal.
One of the objectives of the agreement is to implement at the local level of quality management programs, certification and evaluation of municipal public policies. To do this, AEVAL provide methodological assistance necessary to enable certification and testing among local entities.
The FEMP and AEVAL collaborate in the dissemination and extension of the Letter of Commitment for Quality in all local bodies and also in the design, editing and dissemination of educational materials and the design and delivery of different training activities and seminars informative character. Both sides also plan studies to measure quality in local bodies, through observatories and indicators.
The evaluation of public interventions is one of the key instruments within the principle of 'good governance', to promote transparency, efficiency, participation and accountability that the various administrations should develop, with more effort and cooperation in social and economic environment.
Since late 2009, the Agency has paid special attention to the establishment of agreements with the various regional governments to articulate a public policy and program evaluation, action to avoid duplication and generate synergies, designed from the cooperation of the various levels of government.
Some of the activities under this agreement have already been carried out, as the seminar "Quality Democracy and Good Governance", organized by the FEMP, whose contents have been distributed to a large number of politicians and municipal officers in Spain.
Immediately, it shall review and update the "Guide of Services" and "Model Evaluation Guide" and its dissemination to local bodies. On the other hand, provides for participation in the network FEMP interadministrative quality and its working groups.
The Secretary General of the FEMP, Isaura Leal, said after signing the agreement that 2011 is full of challenges that have to do with the socioeconomic situation facing our country, and that "in this context of austerity, it is essential to continued support of partners such as AEVAL, thanks to which we can influence the generation of tools, materials and contents for our municipalities to address the challenges facing the future from a perspective of progress and continuous improvement. "