The Government will approve the new Local Government Act in March 2011

The Government intends to adopt the new Local Government Act in March 2011, as announced by the First Vice President, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, following the Council of Ministers. The passage of this bill would lie in the timing of legislative initiatives that the government intends to move forward in the coming months.

The new Local Government Act amended the existing legal regime governing the local governments, which dates from 1985, the competence framework and rules of functioning of local bodies. In addition, the basic lines of the new law would be aimed at increasing the efficiency of municipal management, strengthening the role of mayors and municipal groups, making the House in the center of local political life, extend the ethical codes and good governance in all municipalities and manage the system of local expertise.
The text established instruments of transparency and participation in local life, regulate access to municipal information, generalize the status of the neighbor and try to make the most of new information technologies, among other measures.

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