A website of the Ministry of Equal contain all the actions against gender violence

The Ministry of Equality has launched the Web Resources to Support and Prevention of gender violence (WRAP), which allows the incorporation and asset location on maps of the various resources that public administrations and social organizations have made available to the public and victims of gender violence.

The WRAP web, comprising the site of the Ministry of Equality, is the first service of Digital Platform for Knowledge Management in Gender Violence. Among other resources, in the WRAP can be found training and advisory services, women's associations, health police, courts and legal advisory services. For security, the complete rehabilitation centers and shelters are not reflected.
The site lets you search for available resources and incorporate new resources through the registration request. Municipalities interested in publicizing resources within their territory, may do so via this route. The information is updated regularly from the Government Delegation in collaboration with the responsible area of the Autonomous Community.
The application is operational and allows the location of resources on the map or search for them by type of resource, autonomous region or province, or by proximity.