The cities do not give up the objective of reducing emissions, despite crisis

The Spanish Network of Cities for Climate of the FEMP commitment to take the current economic situation to change policies, production systems and habits citizens and thus help create a more sustainable and less dependent on limited resources and contaminants. With that in mind have begun Conference on "Climate change and health from the local perspective" held in Santander, in the framework of the V Assembly of the Network

The President of the Network, the Mayor of Vigo, Abel Caballero, believes that the economic crisis "is not an argument to lower our guard in the fight against climate change, but rather an opportunity to move to a new development model more sustainable. Environmental sustainability, he argued, has always been based on savings and efficiency, "values that now must be adopted not only for strictly environmental, but to incorporate into our decision-making processes also economic issues."
Abel Caballero added that this is in line to be followed by Local Government and therefore that since the network announced that presides there will be a major effort to identify priority actions that need to be applied in cities and municipalities, in sectors significant opportunities for improving efficiency in energy use and maximizing natural resources.
Vigo Mayor gave the example of these actions sustainable mobility plans for which cities are best suited and prepared for citizens, with a more rational use of private vehicles and public transport more efficient. In this sense, clearly opted for facilitating and encouraging the use of electric vehicles and the implementation and dissemination of the Agenda without Car ", an initiative which aims to replace local public office a few days the official vehicle public transport or other means of its own, other than motor vehicles.
Similarly, said that the Spanish Network of Cities for Climate has been and should remain a benchmark for the Spanish government in the face of negotiations with other countries on climate change and therefore try to be present at the next climate summit to be held in Mexico. Abel Caballero recalled that Spain is the only country that went with the councils to the summit in Copenhagen.
Next to the Mayor of Vigo, spoke at the opening of the Conference the Senior Vice President, Network and Mayor host, Iñigo de la Serna, accompanied by José Masa, Mayor Rivas-Vaciamadrid and Vice 2 of the Network, and Blanca Rosa Gomez , Mayor of Torrelavega and President of the Federation of Municipalities of Cantabria.

Santander Mayor in his speech referred to the importance of acting against climate change is becoming increasingly evident, and it made two proposals: first, referred to the need to develop tools, methodologies and However, databases and scientific studies that allow accurate diagnosis and deliver an action plan best suited to this global problem which is reflected more clearly in the local.
Iñigo de la Serna claimed political leadership to carry out specific interventions, and in this respect, he emphasized the role of the network as entity model which combines the efforts of local governments. In the workshops on climate change, these are the Central Authorities and Autonomy, and it is essential that councils are also involved, have greater decision-making and take part in the implementation of the measures to be undertaken.
Technical Projects
The Spanish Network of Cities for Climate Assembly approved in the future work plan that, among other things, provides for the implementation of several technical projects, including a report on "Implementation of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans" to view level of development of these initiatives in the municipalities of the Network, in collaboration with the business world for the development of mobility plans in companies and the role that local governments should play in promoting electric vehicles.
It will also conduct a report on "carbon sinks at the local level, to make proposals for action to increase and optimize the carbon sequestration in the municipalities, a study of the potential for emission reductions in municipal landfills; and a project aimed at optimizing energy efficiency in the municipal and prioritize activities to promote savings in these buildings and facilities.
Network activity in the remainder of the year will focus, in addition, awareness and dissemination activities and a busy schedule of participation of their representatives in national forums on important local sustainability and the development of joint actions with the Ministry of Environment on urban sustainability, referred to in the collaboration agreement signed with the government department.
Conference on climate change and health
The Conference "Climate Change and Health from the Local Perspective", which take place within the framework of the Assembly of the Network, organized by the FEMP, the city of Santander and the Ministry of Environment, are aimed to assess the effects of climate change on human health and to analyze the role that municipalities can play in reducing their impact on citizenship.
One of the main discussion revolves around the need to avoid the effects of the economic crisis produced a loss of quality of life in the municipalities and the public to suffer the consequences for key aspects of welfare such as health. According to Abel Caballero said in the presentation of this conference, the effects of climate change in the municipalities can not be reduced during periods of economic contraction, but on the contrary, are more evident, especially for the most vulnerable population such as children, elderly or dependent persons.