Small municipalities ask the Autonomous Communities budget for sustainable rural development

Small municipalities require Spanish Autonomous Communities that collect in their budgets for 2011 budget allocated equivalent to investment by the State in their territories for the implementation of Sustainable Rural Development Programme. This is one of the main conclusions with which I closed the Small Towns Conference, held this weekend in Toledo.

The representatives of the smaller municipalities have expressed their "firm commitment" by the correct application of the Law for Sustainable Rural Development as the main instrument for improving the efficiency of the public shares are held in their territories.
Regarding the role of County Councils, Town Councils and Island Councils, the Congress of Toledo has shown that the province, as an intermediate level between the Administration and the Autonomous Communities, is considered "the true guarantor of the principle subsidiarity "and that therefore it is a local institution," not an instrument of the Autonomous Community. "
Another concern of Mayors and Mayors of small towns is to ensure social and employment policies in their territories, so opt for the Commonwealths, arguing that diversity and uniqueness of each territory should facilitate the establishment of this set associative to enable more and better services to citizens, with the highest quality and value for money.
With regard to equality, the findings of Toledo collect the aim of eliminating the socio-cultural barriers that impede equal participation of men and women in political, economic and social development of small towns.

Table of political parties
Overcoming the differences between the parties to meet the targets demanded by society, to overcome the historical divide between towns and cities, the independence of municipal policy makers to defend the interests of citizens or lack of social services that occurs in rural areas were some of the issues that took it up the representatives of political parties at the table in congressional debate held before its closure.
In the table involved the Mayor of Villanueva de Tapia, Encarnación Pérez, representing IU; Joaquin Peribañez, Mayor of Calamocha and spokesman of the RAP in the FEMP Executive; Luis Partida, Mayor of Villanueva de la Cañada and PP deputy spokesman the FEMP, and Hugo Moran, Executive Member of the PSOE, responsible for environment and rural development.
Joaquin Peribáñez Administration requested support infrastructure development in rural areas and at the same time, the parties are aware that their duty is to manage the problems of society and that this sometimes are obliged to act coordinated manner, over ideological differences.
The representative of IU, Encarnación Pérez, said that currently does not respect the autonomy of local governments because they lack sufficient funding. It also highlighted the shortage of social services is given in the smallest towns and the problems of integration of women into the workplace and public offices, they do "not viable" in most cases the equality policies in rural areas.
Luis Partida referred to the excessive "dependence" municipal political party, leading at times to "use us as a pressure group" and asked the Government to "Dust" the new Law on Local Government and the municipalities that encouragement, but accompanied by new funding, "so that the next day the municipalities know what resources count." "You have to know what we should do, how and with what resources," he said, adding that municipalities need more powers, "not to have more power, but to be more competent."
The PSOE representative acknowledged that the world has for years claiming local "and follow equal", and appealed to mayors of rural municipalities to lead what he called a "civic rebellion." Hugo Moran, referring to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Programme, encouraged the aldermen to be authorized to take the initiative, according to its citizens, and say what needs to be done in each of the territories-area plans - which determines the law "can not wait for the Autonomous Region calls you," he said. Moran added that the goal is to overcome the historical divide between cities and municipalities and the Sustainable Development Act is the instrument to achieve, but this "you have to use it."


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