Pedro Castro se reúne co presidente da Asociación de Cidades de México

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, today held a meeting with the President of the Association of Local Authorities of Mexico, Jaime Valls Esponda turn Mayor of the town of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas state capital.

During the meeting, which was held in the Mayor of Getafe, both local representatives have shared views on the role of local governments to promote economic development and have agreed on the need to promote initiatives that focus on innovation, development and research.
The Mayor has invited Tuxtla Gutierrez also the President of the FEMP to participate in the upcoming World Congress of United Cities and Local Governments to be held in Mexico City next November, while Pedro Castro has invited his Mexican colleague to attend the discussions at the Summit of Local Governments Caribbean Europe Latin America to be held in Vitoria, the next May, under the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, and the Forum of Local Authorities peripheral (FAL ) Getafe held in June next month.