Facilities submit reports to the Foreign Office

The LES Portal platform (Portal of Local Authorities), the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Administration have a new feature aimed at giving local governments the referral electronically to the Foreign Office reports on roots and on disposal adequate shelter the foreign national.

These reports, which are part of the documentation to be furnished in different processing procedures for foreign residence must be issued by the Local Government as determined by the corresponding Autonomous Community (Regulation of the Organic Law 4 / 2000 on Rights and Freedoms of Foreigners in Spain and their Social Integration). In fact, except the municipalities of Catalonia, the Canary Islands, Extremadura and the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, all Spanish municipalities are to bear their respective Regional Governments, competent to issue such reports.
As for the remission of them, the regulation states that must be done electronically at the Foreign Office within 30 days from the time the residence application by the foreign citizen. With this new utility will be available in the Local Government Portal, which can be accessed from the web www.mpt.gob.es, it seeks to speed up the referral process and comply with the provision of the Regulation.
The Local Government Portal will find all the information on access and use of new functionality, the website of the Ministry of Labour and Immigration (extranjeros.mtin.es) is expected shortly to incorporate detailed information on the reports.
The Directorate General of Immigration and the Local Cooperation Bureau sent these days by writing to all Local Authorities responsible for issuing periodical reports of all these details.