Agreement to boost the action of the Interim Local Government in Europe, through CEPLI

Local Government representatives Middle European meeting in Berlin, have agreed to consolidate and promote the work of the organization that represents the CEPLI, and that their dialogue is relevant in European territorial cohesion.

The resolutions adopted by the European Confederation of Local Intermediate (CEPLI), which is one of its vice Fogué Antoni, President of the Diputación Provincial de Barcelona, have been adopted unanimously and involve, among other achievements, the consolidation of governing bodies. In particular, one of the measures adopted was the rotation of officers for a term annual affecting the Presidency, First Vice-President and Secretary General.
The FEMP will represented at the highest level by Antoni CEPLI Fogué, one of the Vice-Chairmen. The President of the Diputación de Barcelona has outstanding leadership skills of the Spanish representation in defending the role of Local Governments in Europe.
Indeed, on some measures being taken in certain EU countries Fogué said that the economic crisis can not be the argument that is used to "re-centralize" the State and eliminate intermediate structures. "It has said, would go against the essence of the Lisbon Treaty, which is based on the principles of subsidiarity and local autonomy." Therefore, it has defended fellow CEPLI before the solution is to improve cooperation between different levels of administration.
The FEMP is part of the CEPLI, together with other organizations and associations of intermediate governments of France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Poland and Hungary, as well as the association members and the Red Arco Latino Partenalia. The aim of these is becoming a recognized among national and European institutions