Employment Sector Conference: 1,500 promoters to encourage investment and job creation

Employment Sector Conference held today at the Ministry of Labour, attended by representatives of the Government, the Autonomous Communities and the FEMP, has studied, among other things, the Decree on Regulation of Private Placement Agencies and the next hiring of 1,500 employment promoters referred to in Royal Decree-Law of actions in the fiscal, labor and liberalization to encourage investment and job creation.

The Minister of Labour, Valeriano Gómez, stressed at the end of the Sector Conference, that the government is committed "by an active employment policy more intense and more important in the Autonomous Communities to shorten the time spent in unemployment."

Gomez has said that "we still in January a new Sector Conference to discuss the role of active policies, to complete the set of the new Social Agenda in the field of active employment policy and procedures also the allocation of nearly 7,500 million euros over the next year the policy of employment for their actions in all the Autonomous Communities. "

"What we do," said the minister, "is to rearrange, redistribute available funds of the active policies."

Valeriano Gomez noted that active policies include the training of the employed and unemployed, recruitment in programs that combine training and employment, as the Training Workshops, and the conventions to which also the Public Employment Service and local government councils , ie, "there is a significant amount of funds which should allow redistribution have a range of services that can never be the same as that which runs until February 15 in the field of security policy, so to speak, in PRODI former. "

Will, continued Valeriano Gómez, a service offering that will allow regional governments to "offer intense training activities involving the unemployed who have already consumed all of its services, including offers that will also allow some form of financial aid, but is very important to know that the active policy is a policy of activating the unemployed, participation in training, participation in integration activities. "

Moreover, the minister has said that "Spain has a low unemployment benefits, but has a level comparable to developed countries at this time", and added that "we have 24 months of the contributory benefit, between 18 and even a term undefined level of the subsidy when it comes to older unemployed. Our services are sufficient, and are durable enough benefits in which the company is making a tremendous effort. "

Finally, the head of Labor has referred to this year Spain will spend 3% of GDP to protect their unemployed: "It's a higher level of developed Europe, but this effort must have rejoinder by of the unemployed: forming, improving their skills and qualities. "