Formed the Center for Biological Diversity with FEMP representation

The President of the Diputación de Jaén, Felipe López, and the Mayor of Santander, Iñigo de la Serna, part of the High Level Committee of the Center of Ecological Processes and Biodiversity in Rural Areas, which has been constituted with the objective of contributing to the full and lasting integration of the elements and ecological processes and human activity in rural areas.

Felipe López and Iñigo de la Serna involved in this Center as President and Vice President respectively of the Local Government Network + Biodiversity 2010.
The Observatory is a body led by the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Environment, which are also present representatives of the organizations ASAJA, COAG, UPA, SEO-Birdlife, ADENA-WWF and Ecologists in Action, and the Directorate General of Natural Environment and Forest Policy Ministry.
One of its missions will also contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Rural Development through conservation, recovery, value and overlapping socio-economic ecosystem and its components in rural areas.