Four municipalities awarded at the First State Forum Polític @ s for Participation

The municipalities of Burgos, San Pedro del Pinatar, Albacete and Ceutí received four of the six awards of the First State Forum Polític @ s for Participation, held in Seville on 21 and 22 March. The other two awards were two associations.

The first Forum, organized by the Youth Institute, the FEMP and the Youth Council of Spain (CJE), was attended by over 200 representatives of local authorities, youth councils, youth associations and organizations related to the scope of the youth population.
The Forum received 80 projects designed with the aim of promoting social participation of young people using ICTs as major tools, projects noted for their high level and dedicated effort from the municipalities for the adequacy of their youth policies the needs of its young population.
As for the awards, the first 15,000 euros, it corresponded to the city of Burgos for his project "A firm commitment to music for the participation in the city," the prize value in the project to promote musical creativity and active participation of youth groups Burgos, through the creation of spaces that enable these activities.
The Municipality of San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia) received the second prize of 10,000 euros for the project "Leaving footprint" in which three associations have worked youth and that is the creation of a network of participation and interaction between local , associations and young people. The third prize, worth the same amount corresponded to the city of Albacete for its "informative pills." The project involves the dissemination of informational videos on the priority themes of the youth population, such as employment, scholarships, grants, recreation and leisure.
Another City of Murcia, that of Ceuta, was awarded a prize of 5,000 euros the project "media portal, a virtual space where young people can share and disseminate multimedia content edited and produced by themselves.
Fifth and sixth prize, also valued at 5,000 euros, was picked representatives of the Associations of Youth ASDE and Casals, respectively. ASDE Association was recognized by the project "217Mediaticomanía" under which educational activities have been directed to appropriate and responsible use of new information technologies and communication. As Casals Association of Young, the award received was for his project "Community Spaces Information Technology and Communication", which involves the use of ICT as educational tools for youth at risk of social exclusion.
The jury was chaired by the Director General of INJUVE, Gabriel Alconchel, consisting of representatives of the aforementioned organizations. The Forum was attended also the President of the Youth Commission of the FEMP M Lapuente Pilar Perez, Mayor of Torrellas (Zaragoza), and the President of CJE, Ricardo Ibarra.