The Real Sitio de San Ildefonso, Capital of Biodiversity and its conservation activities

The City Council of Real Sitio de San Ildefonso, has received top honors in the first edition of Life Awards "European Capital of Biodiversity" in recognition of his career, initiatives and projects in conservation. In addition to this City, another 15 have also received awards for their activities in this field. The ceremony, organized by the Foundation for Biodiversity was held at the headquarters of the FEMP.

Being a town of fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, its model of development based on historical identities, environmental and cultural area in which it is located, and their efforts to protect wildlife species and plant production have been some arguments that have led to the nomination of Real Sitio de San Ildefonso to become the capital of biodiversity in this contest. The recognition will also allow the municipality is invited to participate in the "Summit of Cities and Biodiversity" to be held during the 10 th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP10), Nagoya (Japan), next October.
Another 16 awards
The City Council of Real Sitio de San Ildefonso was doubly rewarded, and that in addition to its recognition as "Capital" was the first recipient in the category C (populations between 5,001 and 30,000 inhabitants). In fact, in the event held at the FEMP was granted 12 awards (three for each of the four categories, A, B, C and D, established in terms of population) and four honorable mentions (two per category of projects) .
The municipalities of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Somiedo (Asturias) and Quer (Guadalajara) remained in first place in the other three categories. For its part, Barcelona and San Sebastian were the second and third prize respectively in the category of cities with over 30,000 inhabitants.
Gijón (Asturias) and Logroño (La Rioja) received special mentions to "Projects in green spaces" and Córdoba (Córdoba) and Santander (Cantabria), send notices for projects that promote "environmental equity."
Were also distinguished the municipalities of Puebla de Sanabria (Zamora), Valle de Mena (Burgos), Tineo (Asturias), Astillero (Cantabria), Alberuela Tube (Huesca) and Sojuela (La Rioja).
In total 68 applications were submitted that were assessed against the measures and develop projects that the municipalities for the proper conservation of biodiversity. It has paid particular attention to: the green spaces, planning instruments for the protection of biodiversity, biodiversity in agriculture, forestry and inland waters, monitoring of biodiversity indicators and the organization of the City Council and their actions related to participation and awareness of society.
In the ceremony attended by President of the Foundation for Biodiversity, Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs, Josep Puxeu, the Director of the Foundation, Anne Lewis, the President of the Diputación de Guadalajara, María Antonia Pérez León, President turn of the Network of Local Biodiversity 2010, the Director of the Royal Botanic Garden Madrid, Gonzalo Nieto; the Director of the Centre for Sustainability of Spain, Luis Jimenez, the national authority of LIFE, María José Tegel, and Deputy Director of Biodiversity MARM, Marta Garcia, all of which awarded diplomas to 16 Spanish municipalities that were awarded.
LIFE Project
The LIFE Project "European Capital of Biodiversity", which takes place in five European countries (Spain, Germany, Slovakia, France and Hungary), seeks to stimulate initiatives by local authorities in conservation of biodiversity in Europe through launching contests such as this, that our country has called the Biodiversity Foundation. For next year a second meeting is planned, focusing on sustainable land use.