Green space preservation with sustainability criteria

The conservation of urban gardens with sustainability criteria, and improve the quality of life of citizens, providing opportunities for employment integration of persons with disabilities, resulting in economic benefit and social integration. This form has been expressed by President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, at the opening of a conference held today in Getafe.

Pedro Castro has said that thanks to the awareness of policy makers and municipal officers, as well as the residents themselves, the designs of our cities are increasingly taken into account, the sustainable dimension of them. The mayor also praised the work of conservation of green spaces in cities and towns for their environmental benefits, the fight against climate change and its economic and social development.
"The sustainable dimension in the service of conservation of urban green space" is the title of the Technical Meeting held in Getafe, organized by the Spanish Association of Parks and Public Gardens, which addresses among other issues, basic aspects this service from an economic, social, environmental and social integration.