Castro meets with Chavez to discuss the development of the Decree on deficit deduction

The President of the FEMP, Pedro Castro, has remained in the afternoon a meeting with the Third Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Planning Policy, Manuel Chaves, to analyze the development of the Royal Decree to reduce the deficit, released today by the Government Gazette.

After the meeting, Pedro Castro reported that the Vice President has explained the reasons why they have taken the measures contained in Royal Decree and has provided the meeting tomorrow of the Executive Committee the adoption of FEMP Federation official position regarding the specific measures afectana the municipalities.
It also said that the Vice President and Minister of Planning Policy has pledged to meet again with FEMP to analyze the development of the decree and its impact on local entities.
Pedro Castro has said that it's time everyone's responsibility, because what matters is the benefit of the general interest of the country.
It has also ensured that the priority of these measures is the solidarity of the workers the benefit of those not working and seeking to create economic conditions that "tend to encourage" the economy and create jobs.