The responses to the crisis focus of the initial discussions of the FEMP in the summer course at El Escorial

The Local Government responses to the crisis, the provision of guarantees, multilevel governance and efficiency in municipal management have focused the discussions at the first session of the Summer School organized by the FEMP in El Escorial, in which were present the Mayor of Málaga, Francisco de la Torre, President of the Diputación de Barcelona, Antoni Fogué, and he represents to the RSMC, Christophe Chaillou, moderated by Mayor Barakaldo, Antonio J. Rodriguez.

Francisco de la Torre explained that the role of local governments to the crisis, given the limited scope provided by its powers, must turn to adjust budgets, negotiate with the Government the repayment terms of supplies on account of his participation in State revenue (PIE) and, above all, to remain effective in the management and the services it provides.
Malaga Mayor said that the councils are obliged to continue to maintain services and pay "quickly and well" to their suppliers. He also stated that the councils have to use your credit "moderately" and should cooperate with private initiative, which is what creates jobs, streamlining the licensing and administrative procedures, as well as promoting a "good dialogue" with business and unions.
The President of the Diputación de Barcelona, Antoni Fogué, raised the bundle "municipalism - trust" as a feat achieved in recent years by local governments and extended this scenario the role of Regional Councils, as well as generating confidence in the municipalities. On these interim government said that if it were not for them would be impossible to maintain the Spanish municipal structure so fragmented.
In this regard, he explained that the County Council is chaired by encouraging action in a network of municipalities and to work from the level of municipal agreement, which goes beyond the concept of cooperation, and that more than one entity distributor of grants, is to promote quality in the provision of services.
The responses to the crisis from local governments, according Fogué involves structural changes and therefore a new model, "a new local architecture," which takes into account three key factors: skills, finance and organization. The first two said they are linked, because "talk of a new funding system is to speak of the need to link financial powers."
On the other hand, he said, must speak of organization, multilevel governance, which involves improving and which are defined by all the rules that allow an effective and efficient cooperation between the three administrations.
Both the Mayor of Malaga as the President of the Barcelona Provincial Council were opposed to opening the range of local taxation, as proposed by the Secretary of State for Planning, Gaspar Zarrias.
The representative of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), Christophe Chaillou, meanwhile, argued that local governments are increasingly necessary in the political and administrative structure, and demanded to be consulted so that the decisions made from other authorities are not imposed unilaterally.