The FEMP calls bring the debt of the municipalities with their real capacity to deal with

The FEMP want that fits the debt ratio to ensure that no local entity sound and able to meet loan repayments is excluded from the measures announced by the Government. The Executive Committee of the Federation also propose that, exceptionally for 2011, the debt can be applied to current expenditures, education and social priority.

The FEMP Executive Committee, meeting today in Madrid, adopted unanimously by all members a resolution in which it describes as "significant progress", the announcement by the government lift the ban on debt, to allow those more local entities continue rushing sound investment plans and policies. However, he insists that under the conditions of application of Royal Decree takes into account the cases of multi-year projects or co-financed with other public institutions.
The FEMP argues these requests stating that by placing the debt ratio is initially about 75% of current revenues, many Councils, Committees, Councils and Island Councils with an adequate financial situation may not qualify for the government measure.
The text of the resolution also includes a claim that is uniquely enable the refinancing of debt that matures in the financial year, that it be considered within the borrowing limit.
In the resolution, the FEMP urges the Government to immediately enable the ICO credit line to local councils can meet payments to suppliers, referred to in the Fourth Additional Provision of Law laying down control measures Late payment in commercial transactions.
Commitment to deficit reduction
Mayors and Mayors of the Executive Committee of the FEMP show that Spanish local governments have supported unanimously, with responsibility and rigor, the measures the Government of Spain to reduce the deficit and other adjustment measures, designed to overcome the economic crisis.
A support, as outlined in the resolution, has led public enpolíticas austere budgetary restraint, which have not prevented to maintain the same level of quality of basic public services on equal terms to all citizens.
Similarly, warned that the current economic climate has placed a significant number of local governments before a complicated situation of lack of liquidity that difficult to meet their payment obligations to suppliers and are therefore, considered necessary "to enable additional measures cope effectively allow the financing of current expenditure over the coming months. "
As you will recall, the Executive Committee of the FEMP, at its meeting on June 29 asked the Government to lift the restriction on the long-term debt for Local Governments in 2011. During the months of July and August, many local entities have been approved in its regular plenary sessions, a motion in the same direction.
The Executive has also approved the contents of a collaboration agreement which will be signed shortly, with the Campaign for United Nations Millennium Development Goals and the Ministry of Culture, respectively.
The first established a stable framework for collaboration to promote the Millennium Development Goals in Spanish Local Government, with initiatives to increase awareness and mobilization.
The second serve to coordinate the activities of the Cultural Observatory and local study centers and provincial, through studies and projects that reflect the status of the local cultural reality and through the evaluation of cultural policies of the municipalities.
Citizen Coexistence
The Executive Committee has been informed of the collaboration that FEMP signed last September 8 with the Obra Social "la Caixa" for the launch of a new project to promote coexistence in municipalities with a high cultural diversity. Both entities will work jointly for promotion and implementation of this initiative, which also assists the Ministry of Labour and Immigration.
The project will be implemented in 17 districts of fifteen territories or municipalities, with the collaboration of the FEMP and social entities of each of them, with the aim of generating a model reference community intervention in the management of cultural diversity.

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