Spanish cities celebrate the

Various initiatives to "move with intelligence and live better," promoted by the Spanish cities in the framework of the European Mobility Week, culminating today with the celebration of Car Free Day, the day on which, for now several years, local governments across Europe are inviting their citizens to seek alternative systems for sustainable mobility for private vehicles.

With this strategy, the Local Governments of our country is added to those of other European States with the implementation of proposals for mobility, ranging from reserving special lanes for bicycles and pedestrians throughout the day of the Car Free Day habilitation more seats on public transport or promotional activities for sustainable mobility, to other longer-term actions, such as the development of models of urban mobility or the planning of the city so that citizens do not have to make long journeys or frequently.
The launch of information campaigns, periodic monitoring of air quality and the setting of targets for reducing traffic victims are other proposals made by local governments in this area.
Since launching the first Mobility Week in 2002, the participation of European Municipalities has continued to grow, in 2009 he number of participants exceeded the 2,100 cities with more than 200 million people involved, the initiatives taken since then, 4,441 survive permanent measures, mainly infrastructure for cyclists and pedestrians.