Approved the Draft Law on Energy Conservation

The Cabinet has approved at its last meeting, the bill comes to the funeral industry to transpose the requirements of the Services Directive and the result is a text that seeks to update the relevant legislation, removing administrative burdens and promote effective competition market. The adopted text includes recommendations and comments from municipalities, regional governments, associations and companies

Has approved the referral to Parliament of the Bill of Funeral Services, which aims to ensure free access to the funeral activities and exercise freedom of choice of provider by service users and the application of funeral practices to prevent the emergence of risks to public health.
The legal text, prepared jointly by the Ministries of Finance and Health, Social Policy and Equality, in compliance with the mandate established by the Omnibus transposition of the Services Directive into Spanish law. The approved legal text incorporating the recommendations and comments of the regions, municipalities, and associations and companies.
The law primarily affects the elimination of barriers to entry and exercise, and it comes to removing requirements for access to activity, exercise authorizations considered unnecessary or disproportionate, or the prohibition on removing a deceased until after the clock of death among other issues.
The elimination of permits and requirements will also provide a reduction of administrative burden is estimated at 18.3 million euros. In this sense, the 8 100 of the total estimated annual savings benefit companies at the time of its creation, because it is the elimination of procedures and requirements related to access to the activity. The remaining 92 per 100 stems from the elimination of paperwork associated with the exercise of funerary services.
Also, the text places particular emphasis on improving the protection of the rights of consumers and users of services, increase the obligations of information and transparency on prices and make explicit the right to freedom of choice.