Approved the first sustainable rural development program, worth 1810 million

The Government approved at the last Council of Ministers the first Sustainable Rural Development Programme for the period 2010 - 2014, aiming to stop the depopulation of rural areas, boost the economy in these areas and increase the quality of life of people living in these municipalities. The investment will be 1810 million, 50% financed by the State and the Autonomous Communities.

The Royal Decree containing this program gives green light for the next few months to start the process of developing the 219 Area Plans for each of the rural areas that regional governments have chosen, always prioritizing those most deprived areas and lower social, economic and environmental. 
The implementation of the Programme and the Area Plans for rural areas will mean that more than ten and a half million people will benefit from the implementation of this new rural policy. It is a policy which would, inter alia, in increased quality of life and social welfare less rural depopulation, stabilization and maintenance of employment, improving public services and infrastructure improvements and new technologies information, medical, social and dependents. 
In its development has involved all the Public Administrations and the sectors involved in rural areas. It was also agreed with the seventeen autonomous communities and local corporations represented in the context of the Council for Rural Areas by FEMP. 
The program includes the situation and diagnosis of Spanish rural areas, the sustainable rural development strategy adopted, the program activities, with rural areas of application, the characteristics of the Plans of Rural Areas, the General Administration concert and autonomous regions to the implementation of the Area Plans and the financial budget framework, and monitoring and evaluation. 
Www.marm.es The website of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs is available to the public on Sustainable Rural Development Programme, the declaration on environmental assessment, the general protocols and cooperation agreements signed with eachAutonomous Community, and the various monitoring reports, planned and generated throughout the implementation of the Programme, including those for environmental monitoring. 
Pilot agreements signed between the Central Government through the Ministry and the Autonomous Communities in 2008 and 2009 are adapted within six months from the entry into force of this Royal Decree.